Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Pics

Above, another May family tradition of Christmas cookies. How did everyone survive the holiday? I had a rough time with a nasty cough that's been plaguing me for a couple of weeks. I finally broke down and went to the doctor and ended up with an upper respiratory infection AND bronchitis. That's right, I don't mess around. I've got some fancy pants meds and an inhaler, so I'm ready to rock the rest of the week. Unfortunately, I have to take it easy and not work out, which means another failed goal of mine. (Which is good because I planned on doing a post about that later this week!)

Until then, here are a few pictures of the family from Christmases this year. We had a couple because the New York Napolitanos were spending Christmas with the other side of the family.

Aria showed off her ability to sit up and took the best lighting spot of the house, so there were a lot of pictures of her.

Grace loved her toy phone, compliments of Think Geek. She's seen here with her best Hulk Hogan impersonation...

But the best reaction to a present has to go to James, who once again shows why he's my favorite. Don't read this aloud to Grace or Aria, brothers! He opened my present first and when I asked him to pose with the giant Lego storing head, he made the same face! What a riot!

I would like to point out the music player over to the right. I completely forgot to include Let's Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas in my Christmas playlist. Shame on me.

The Best of Week will continue tomorrow. Stay tuned!


  1. As the #1 Grace-a-maniac out there, I can't thank you enough for bringing these two images together. Amazing!
