Saturday, March 5, 2011

American Wigeon

I had my camera with me to do some before and after portraits at the gym this morning and I was greeted by a newcomer. I've been trying to get some shots of the Hooded Mergansers, but they are the flightiest, yes pun intended, birds I've ever seen. This little guy, however, loves the camera. After some research at home, I'm pretty sure he's a young American Wigeon. Take a look at the link for comparisons.
American Wigeon Facts, Figures, Description and Photo

He's much smaller than the Mallards and has this adorable baby blue bill that is tipped with black. I'm hoping he sticks around and that his feathers come in brighter. I wouldn't blame him if he took off though, the locals were anything but kind to him.

Poor little guy.

Be sure to check out the music player up at the top. I'm trying to find a song to go along with each post. Grooveshark, you rock for having a copy of Smoosh's The Quack. That's all I have to say.

I'm gearing up for a trip into the city tonight to celebrate a friend's birthday. I can't tell you how excited I am to hit up Empanada Mama again. They have some new items on the menu that sound amazing.

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