Monday, September 29, 2014

Andrew Bird, Lucius, Jimbo Mathus at the Klein, Bridgeport, CT 07.11.14

In my efforts to turn around concert reviews quickly over on Surviving the Golden Age, I've failed to post them on my blog. I have a bit of a back log that I'm still sorting through, but I'm bringing you the first of them today. If you would like to read my full review of this concert, head on over to StGA with this link. This post will mostly be about my experience of shooting and the results.

I think what I like most about this post is that I am able to show you the amount of growth that's occurred in two years. In 2012, I went to see Andrew Bird at the Beacon Theatre in New York. I brought along my point and shoot digital because this was well before I was getting photo passes to most events and managed to get a few shots of the band. I view them as absolutely cringe worth now, but if you want to take a full look, here's the link.  I don't like to praise myself, but I'm amazed at how much better the shots are from this year.

 Andrew Bird at the Beacon Theatre, 2012

This was my second time shooting at the Klein Auditorium in Bridgeport, CT. I covered Ben Folds solo back in 2010 there for my day job at the newspaper. That time I was only allowed to shoot from the balcony so my options were pretty limited. This time wasn't much easier, but for a different reason.

 Ben Folds at the Klein, 2010

I go back and forth with different PR people when getting a photo pass and every now and then, some information falls through the cracks. The PR person failed to let the tour manager know that I was coming to photograph, so there was only a ticket waiting for me. Security did not want to let me into the venue without a photo pass. I always keep copies of my emails handy for moments like this; they don't happen often, but they do happen. The best thing to do is to remain calm, stay upbeat and talk to the staff in charge. I worked out the confusion with the help of the on site PR person, the promoter of the show that knows me and the tour manager. Unfortunately, it only left me one song to photograph of the first band, hence the small selection of Jimbo Mathus photos. Lucius was a blast and very colorful to photograph and the lighting at the Klein is such an improvement from what I normally shoot. In fact, I shot the majority of the pictures with the lens I call "The Beast", my 35-350mm 5.6 lens. I've really come around to that lens as it offers such a wide focal length that I don't need to change lenses as much. In well lit venues, it's become my go to lens. I never though I'd say that! As tricky as it is to shoot Andrew Bird, he has his eyes closed most of the time he's on the stage, I managed to catch a few moments where he made eye contact with his band mates and more than a few smiles. I'm really excited to finally share these photos with you!

Jimbo Mathus


Andrew Bird