Friday, May 31, 2013

fr EYE day

welcome to fr EYE day!

I gathered some eyes on my dad's side of the family over the weekend. There will be a lot of hazel eyes coming at you and a lot more contraction furrows.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Picnic

This is one of those posts that keep my family coming back to my blog. Picnics pretty much turn into photo shoots of my nieces and nephew. If you don't want to look at super cute kids, stop reading now. Family members, continue on!

I've been forcing myself to use the 35-350mm lens in the day time so I can be more acquainted with it and how it reacts. What's fun about it is that I can sneak pictures across the yard. James wasn't prepared for this shot so he didn't have time to turn on the cheese.

Aria and Grace helping with the lawn maintenance.

Cookies as big as your head!

Aria gave me a pretty fantastic stink eye. I swear, I didn't steal her cookie.

Big brother James proving he still has the best stink eye in town.

Grace thought it was funny to run at the camera. The lens did a pretty decent job sticking with her.

Papi is still Aria's favorite.

I finally got some smiles out of Hannah!

Goofy baby pictures are the best.

Friday, May 24, 2013

fr EYE day

happy fr EYE day!

It's actually a Monday for me, so I almost forgot to post this today.

I'm low on eye pictures, but I have a family picnic coming up. Relatives, prepare to be attacked!

Or if you're reading this and I haven't taken your eye shot yet, yell at me.

Crowd sourcing; gotta love it!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Xenia Rubinos & Lady Lamb the Beekeeper at Cafe 9 05.10.13

I was pretty hard on myself after this shoot because I wasn't pleased with the results. Some nights, I'm just not feeling it. The funny thing is, this is the second time where I thought my work was garbage and then I got a lot of praise for it. I need to remember that I'm my own worst critic. I did a full review over on Surviving the Golden Age. Make sure you go over there to read what I had to say. It's my third "official" concert review for them, and the first time I had to write about musicians I wasn't completely familiar with. I'm definitely still struggling with the writing portion of it, but I'm going to keep at it.

Xenia Rubinos

Lady Lamb the Beekeeper

The good news is that Cafe 9 has been very impressed with my work so far and has given me an open invitation to shoot there whenever I'd like. That's a big step for me as I continue to grow this aspect of my photography. As always, I end with shoes!